Empowering growth and healing through authentic connections

Welcome to Vital Mind Psychology where we believe in the power of psychology and recreation therapy to promote holistic well-being. Our team of empathetic and knowledgeable practitioners understand that mental health encompasses more than just the mind; it involves the body and spirit as well. We invite you to join us and express yourself, learn, evolve, create meaningful shifts, and find true healing. When we nurture our best selves, the resulting positive impact radiates outward, enriching not only our own lives but also those of our families and communities.

In-person and remote options

Our office is located in the heart of downtown Cochrane for your convenience. Alternatively, if you prefer teleconferencing or telephonic sessions, we are more than happy to accommodate your preference.


Contact us.

P: (403) 999-6174

2nd Floor, 127 First Avenue West
Cochrane, Alberta